Spongebat2's item is.....

black with red stripes (you will probably need to click his playercard to see the stripes). I hope you forgive me Spongebat2.


Sorry Spongebat

I have decided that I will not shut down our websites because I will update you guys in any way possible. I have sad news though, Spongebat2 is getting pissed at me because I keep updating our staff list so I decided NO MORE staff applications. I don't really care if I said 3 designers needed (for now no more applications until I talk to Spongebat2) or if I still need mediators. I don't want to piss off my staff. Also, Spongebat2 might shut down his blog which sucks, because he was my "blogging hero". Some people might know me as Taco on xcpps but, my new name will be Bonsai for everything new. My friends, I introduce to you Penguin Bonsai the most epic cpps under developement. The mod room will be off limits to regular players so don't try. A staff will be there for however long and a new staff member will take his place (this is because personal staff info like updates and new things that will be added will be in there). Also, this is going to be my last post until I have news about our cpps. I'm using my laptop which has this program which blocks all or my important websites I need. I didn't mean to annoy Spongebat2, so he will get a special item (Spongebat2 only). All im saying, is that it will be a color. I will check out our secondary website once my parents unblock it, and when I try to talk with Spongebat2.

-Bonsai and the Team

We might have to shut down :(

Sadly we aren't going anywhere with this cpps, so I might have to shut Penguin Bonsai down for now. Don't worry because Penguin Bonsai will be back up (if we do shut down) once we start making it!!! :D

*update* Not shuting down :D


No more staff applications

Hey guys, since I fired iJake and moved Z Striker to a owner I gave away a mod position to this guy (I forgot his name). I also forgot to add Arranp5312 to the owner section, so I will do that now. The rules will be up in 10 minutes, and the registration will also be up on our secondary website. Credits to spongebat2 again :D.

*Update* iJake is re-hired


We need to start coding by this week or this won't work


Good news and Bad news

The good news: we finally got a coder
The bad news: we still don't know when it's going to be done/in probably 3 months

We are allowing staff applications

We started to allow staff applications.


Hey cpps players

well from what I know, me and my good pals are making a new cpps called penguin bonsai. Me (bonsai) wanted to jazz up this cpps with some unique stuff. We have no date for when this will be finished by. Be patient please. Credits to Spongebat2 over at globalicp.wordpress.com for helping me out. I recommend checking his blog out.
